Friday, April 4, 2014

Climate Change Videos

For the first video, located here, I feel as though the main take home message was that before humans were involved, there was a clear pattern that the Earth was going through. The globe would cool down and have an inter glacial period and then warm back up. Then from that point on it would cool down until another ice age occurred, and this pattern continued. Since humans have been involved, the amount of CO2 in the air has sky rocketed, and doesn't look like it is going to shrink any time soon.

In the second video, which you can find here, the sole purpose of this video also seemed to be toward end. With all of the data that paleoclimatologists gather from proxies such as corals, ice cores and tree rings the temperature of the globe is still hotter than the past thousand years. Even with the room for error, this still holds true. Between the first and the second video, there is a strong motif of the fact that the planet is a little off it's regular course.

The main idea for the third video, found here, seemed to be that the climate of the environment around lakes impact the lake itself. When the climate is warmer it effects the plants and their growth as well as the particles that are spread into the water.When these are measured you are able to find out information about the environment during a specific time period.

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