Saturday, February 8, 2014

Richard Alley

Who is Richard Alley?
Richard Alley is a professor of Geo sciences at Penn State University. He is a member of the National Academy of Sciences, the Academy of Arts and Sciences. He focuses some of his studies on large ice sheets, and studying ice cores (up to two miles deep) in Greenland and Antarctica. He is currently studying whether or not the ice sheet run a risk of falling into the ocean and flooding the coast lines. He is also the author of the book Two Mile Time Machine.

Five Major Points

  • 100 years ago, scientists found fern plant fossils in Antarctica, where now there are penguins. What happened? Climate change and the continents moved.
  • Science changes, and when theories go wrong they don't always disappear, he uses the term "zombies"
  • The world is warming: there is more than enough scientific evidence to prove it. There is ice that is/closing to melting. The North Pole moves very slightly every year.
  • The world is warming mostly because of fossil-fuel CO2. We burn more than the earth is supplying us. We should learn while we burn, or learn other methods of energy before we run out of the fuels the the earth gives us.
  • The people that are saying global warming stopped:  it is a zombie. He talks a lot about although the climate varies, the long term trend is very evident, which is that global warming is most definitely still occurring.
If I could ask him one question: What made you become interested in climate change?

Watch the video:

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